I have had my pee-wee's playhouse dvd's back out these last few week-ends. Cartoons over breakfast have had me thinking back to when I'd sleep at my grandparents house. I would get up in the morning and see my Papa doing jumping jacks while listening to the radio, meanwhile my Nanny would would be making me Ego waffles, chocolate milk, and a side of orange juice mixed with cranberry juice for breakfast.This reminiscing had me phone up my Nanny and Papa right then and there over my current breakfast in bed. During the conversation I explained what a blog is to my Nanny thinking that maybe a relative close by could show them this blog. My Nanny said "Papa wants to tell you why none of our friends have computers". Then my Papa got on the phone and said "You know why none of our friends have computers? Because there aren't any computers in the cemetery". Major downer I know, but they seemed to think it was hilarious. Then I explained my Handsome Grandpas blog to my Papa and I let him know that he was my very first entry. Well he is always a ham and LOVES attention, he immediately perked up a notch at the idea of him as an internet star and his response to this was: "I will tell you one, and then I am going to go. Did you hear about Elizabeth Arden? Max Factor. Bye." Dial tone.
After that Kenta and I took to the streets for some leisurely Saturday Vancouver meandering and that's when we saw the best thing ever. Opera Man! Opera Man has been singing on the Vancouver streets since I first moved here years ago. I have yelled (more then once) out my window "Opera Man We Love You" whenever I would hear his beautiful voice early in the morning. (By we I meant the community, because you cannot dislike this man's voice). But I had only ever heard him, I had never been quick enough to see him. Well, not only did we see him this week-end but we talked to him! And I meant what I said. I do love him. I love him even more now. I realize now that he never heard any of my many shouts from my window because he always has these headphones on that he won't take off for the life of him. The voice of an angel. What a happy man. My cheeks still hurt from smiling.
Opera Man from crunchator on Vimeo.
becks i adore you. i have a soft spot for handsome grandpapi's too!
chink slopper is out of control...that pic...oh meng!
hearts to becks.
adding you...
hahhahha wicked
this guy is nutso
OMG, there's TWO OPERA MEN in Vancouver!! I live near Granville and Broadway, and there's another old man (not the one you've pictured, and this guy never wears headphones) who walks around the neighbourhood all the time, singing at the top of his lungs this really beautiful Italian opera stuff. Like, *beautiful* voice. And i always go to my window to look and listen. I love him. For the past two years I've seen him at least three or four times a week. THERE'S TWO OF THEM! THERE'S TWO OF THEM!!!! I wonder if they've discovered each other and formed a club?!?! I'm always talking about him, and was so excited last week when my best friend was visiting and she got to see/hear him! Then today she sent me your blog because of this post!
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